See what past clients have to say

client experiences




I did my first sugar detox with Lily during the holiday season in 2017! I was very nervous about the challenges of doing a sugar detox during the holidays, but also very motivated.

I was someone that didn't plan my meals and ate A LOT of frozen dinners. I wanted to reframe my thinking on food and get a jump start into planning and cooking on a regular basis.  

Lily helped me to think about food differently and get rid of the "good vs. bad" thoughts on food. I was able to think and focus more about what I was eating and how I felt which increased my motivation to continue. Lily was also able to create easy ways for me to better other areas of my life, like resources to exercise.

I'm so glad I worked with Lily during this process! I was able to meet my goals and become a healthier person. She is a wonderful support, full of resources and has passion to help one meet their goals!

I'm so glad I worked with Lily during this process! I was able to meet my goals and become a healthier person. She is a wonderful support, full of resources and has passion to help one meet their goals!



After our 30 day course, I feel less stressed and more in control of my life, or at least how I choose feel about it. I was able to realize that life is not really worth just being on auto pilot all the time. Even if you are busy, stressed, traveling, or on the go, it's important to own how you are feeling throughout it. I think Lily showed us that we all owe that to ourselves and those we love- to be present. It was very cool having something to look forward to on Sundays, or being able to view the weekly talks that Lily put on at a time that worked with my schedule. I also liked that I was interacting with others, although it was not in person it was just as valuable to hear how others were doing and share struggles in a shared, safe space. I am looking forward to growing in my approach to mindfulness and am happy that I was given the tools to do so. It might seem obvious, but not many people seem to truly understand what it means to be truly mindful. I know that I was not quite there myself, and now look forward to see how it will enhance my life. Fantastic program and would hands down recommend to others- thank you!



After our 30 day course, I feel less stress and more in control of my life...I feel more in control of my emotions and more appreciative of each day.



Thank you Lily for being a wonderful facilitator of such a personal practice. You were approachable and your information is rooted in science!



Nourishing Mindfulness

One of my favorite times was during a run with the daughter. We did the same route we normally do but I noticed so much more. New houses, different landscapes and colors were more vivid. Also it was right after a storm so branches were everywhere. It was harder to get around and the stroller would hit branches or rocks which caused my phone and water bottle to fly out several times. Normally I think I would have gotten frustrated but it didn't bother me as much - or really at all. I was more content just from being curious and in the moment.

I benefited from taking this course because I had a new experience and learned so many new things. I also gained some amazingly tasty recipes that I am still using regularly. I love the yogi tea and the hearty lentil soup so much, thank you Lily! I also enjoyed reading the guide book and learning more about Lily. It was nice to be in a group and be reminded that we are all so similar. And I was reminded of the importance of being in the moment. Again and again!!

I was more content just from being curious and in the moment.



I am glad I took the course on mindfulness because I learned several new techniques to be in the moment that I actually put into practice! I also was able to connect with others who were trying to be more present in their life which is a special thing to connect over. It was interesting to learn about different struggles people were having and it was wonderful to share some mindfulness victories as well. Life is short so I loved taking Lily's class that reminded me to live it up, every second of it!

I was able to integrate mindfulness into my day many times. I loved the tool of feeling my body and where it was. I also could remember to count backwards from 5 as well.

Life is short so I loved taking Lily's class that reminded me to live it up, every second of it!



I entered into this course not quite knowing what to expect. Lily did a great job of guiding us through a well-paced course, often sharing her own personal insights, offering suggestions and a tool kit for staying focused on mindfulness as it relates to everyday life. As a result, I continue to benefit from mindfulness practice that has resulted in several improvements to my overall health and well-being. I am very grateful to Lily for introducing me to a mindfulness practice. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to enrich their life.


Lily did a great job of guiding us through a well-paced course, often sharing her own personal insights, offering suggestions and a tool kit for staying focused on mindfulness as it relates to everyday life.


6 month program

Working with Lily was amazing! I was able to create some very necessary habit changes in my diet, exercise and mindfulness routines. Lily provided some great resources to help me understand the need to make these changes, and then provided the tools to help me make them. She was able to give us individual help while maintaining a supportive group atmosphere. I am so grateful I had the opportunity to work with her. It was life changing!




3 month program

Prior to working with Lily, I was skeptical whether a health coach would be able to offer me anything that I hadn’t already heard or that I would realistically apply. I felt like I just wasn’t the type of person to commit to this type of agreement. Though I grew up with a background in nutrition and healthy living, I had gotten to a point where I felt I had lost all self-control. I was letting my life circumstances get the better of my health and I could feel the negative impact in all areas of my life. I had committed to making a change prior to our sessions; but Lily helped me put into action what I already knew I should be doing and bring to light issues I was only subconsciously aware of prior to our meetings.

During our sessions I realized many subtle health connections across different areas of my life. She showed me realistic ways to incorporate healthier ways of living in my day to day life while balancing obstacles that arose, and was empathetic when I expressed any doubt. She adapted her advice and schedule to fit to my specific case and make sure that I knew she was committed to helping me. Lily was more than understanding in shaping a program that best fit me. Her demeanor throughout the process was friendly, soothing and nonjudgmental, yet firm enough to hold me accountable for my own actions. Everything that she taught me was supported by ample research and it was easy to trust someone who had obviously done thorough research about a topic that she clearly is passionate about. Not only is she passionate about what she does, but also about maintaining personal connection with her clients.

Throughout our sessions, I reached the physical goals I had set for myself but I also gained a wealth of knowledge regarding all areas of healthy living and these are things that I will carry with me into the future.


but Lily helped me put into action what I already knew I should be doing and bring to light issues I was only subconsciously aware of prior to our meetings.


meal planning support

Working with Lily has been SO helpful. I came to her with some concerns and frustrations over meal planning...specifically planning healthful meals for a busy family. She has been instrumental in helping me slowly add in not only new recipes but also new prepping practices to take some of the stress out of our weeks. Because I've learned more about the foods we're eating, there's less stress and energy spent on what to eat. It's there, it's prepared, and it's good for us. This has been immensely helpful for me and our whole family!



3 month program

Lily’s coaching came at a time when everything in my life was changing, but for some reason I could not figure out, I was not changing with it. I was so torn between the lifestyle I wanted to live and the one I had been used to living. I was stuck in a void where I could have remained for quite some time with my head just above water, constantly exhausted and completely ridden with anxiety to the point where I did not know myself anymore.

Thinking back on it now, I had convinced myself that I deserved to be there and that I was not capable of change. My days consisted of working well after 5, coming home, and settling down with a few beers on my porch, TV all night, then late to bed. I would drag myself out of bed the next morning just to do it all over again. In other words, I felt terrible.

When we started, Lily listened to me pour everything out, and then we hit the ground running. She held me accountable, and she never once made me feel guilty if I slipped up in my routine. The one thing that she never, ever let me do was beat myself up for not being perfect, and constantly reminded me that perfect was not what we were striving for. Instead of telling you who or what you should be, she asks who you want to become. She sent me resources throughout the week, ones that I could really tell she had sought out just for me or that she had been thinking of how to help me. She not only provided me support during our sessions, but she made sure I knew she was there in between- I can’t describe how much that means when you are struggling to stay on track. If I ever felt overwhelmed, she would help me break everything down and we’d start small from there. Lily is incredible at what she does because she truly loves it- it is inspiring and you come out on the other side of whatever you felt was holding you back before. For me, that was myself- I still have days that are tough and I know I still will, but I am waking up from a very stagnant time in my life and I feel it more each day. Very simply put, I just feel so much…better. Thank you Lily!


If I ever felt overwhelmed, she would help me break everything down and we’d start small from there.


6 month program

I've found Lily's health coaching guidance to be really comforting and inspiring. She came along at the perfect time, sharing with me the common bond of early motherhood, when self-care and healthy role-modeling can become the ultimate challenge! I knew I wanted to develop better life habits but after decades of navigating depression and eating disorders, I couldn't make those changes on my own. It has become increasingly important for me to address these issues as I move into middle age with two young daughters whom I want to influence positively. Over the course of our coaching sessions about eating habits, exercise, and meal planning, I've found Lily's advice on nutrition and healthy lifestyle changes to be very practical, economical, and well-researched.

I have added a routine of superfoods and supplements including turmeric, spirulina, ginger tea, and bone broth, which have really boosted my immune system. Her support, encouragement, and knowledge have been so valuable.


I knew I wanted to develop better life habits but after decades of navigating depression and eating disorders, I couldn't make those changes on my own.


6 month program

Before I began the 6 month program with Lily, I was experiencing a multitude of frustrating symptoms; digestive issues, hair loss, an irregular cycle, and fatigue. I had done a lot of my own research and I was overwhelmed by the information. I really didn't know where to begin. I grew up in a home where almost every meal was either takeout or highly processed. I continued this habit into adulthood and I knew I needed to change for my own health, and to set a better example for my own family.

My experience with Lily was incredibly helpful and transformative. I loved her approach to coaching me in my overall health and wellbeing. She was positive and supportive.  She was, and continues to be a great resource and guide. I was able to eliminate specific foods and behaviors that were having a negative impact, while trying new things and foods that have great benefit. My fatigue is gone, and I'm no longer dependent on caffeine and sugar for energy. My hair loss and digestive issues have greatly diminished,as long as I continue to eat clean and avoid certain foods. I'm still learning, but I feel like Lily has given me the tools I need to stay on a healthy path!


My fatigue is gone, and I'm no longer dependent on caffeine and sugar for energy.


6 month program

Before starting the 6-month program with Lily I was experiencing intense neck pain that my doctor couldn't diagnose. I was frustrated, anxious, and disenchanted. I didn’t know exactly how but it had become clear that I needed to start taking better care of myself. Working with Lily I was able to recognize the impact that stress and diet were having on my body. She encouraged me to pay attention to the role that food and habits were playing in my wellbeing and to experiment with new recipes and exercise. Our conversations each couple of weeks offered me a perspective that I just couldn’t see on my own. I came to realize that I had been burying myself in work, wrapping myself up in stress, and generally pushing away emotions because I didn’t want to deal with them. My body was now paying the price for my brains poor ability to triage the situation. Recognizing this was a huge step forward. Fast forward 6 months, I have now prioritized cooking whole foods, walking, yoga, and breathing in my life. I walk 2 miles every day, do yoga or barre 4-5 times a week, and have kicked my caffeine addiction. Because of Lily I have eliminated all of my neck pain, I have managed my anxiety, and I have found a general sense of balance in my life. I couldn’t possibly recommend her 6-month program more, it completely transformed my life.


Because of Lily I've eliminated all of my neck pain, I have managed my anxiety, and I have found a general sense of balance in my life.


sugar detox

Before I asked Lily to be my health coach I dreamed of quitting sugar for about 8 years. I discovered through my talks with Lily that sugar has been a big part of my life since childhood. I remember my mom buying those 5 gallon buckets of ice cream and me taking one to my trampoline with or without a friend and just eating it out of the container. Since those days, ice cream and several other less obvious sugar sources have been a part of my daily diet. When I say I dreamed of quitting sugar for 8 years, it wasn't that I looked forward to it, rather I thought it impossible but really wished I could.

I lead a fairly healthy life with adequate exercise, a healthy social life, and spiritual seeking, so my sugar intake began to stick out like a sore thumb. By the time I hired Lily I was physically ill feeling pretty much every day. I had become quite used to the feeling but I was ready to try and change. The main thing that attracted me to Lily was her confidence in my ability to change where I had none.  She had faith in me and I just used her faith to move forward and give it a shot.  Why not right? The sugar will be waiting for me if I change my mind!  

There were so many aspects of working with Lily that helped me begin my path to live the way I dreamed of.  I was accountable to her, she was neutral, she had been where I was and he knew what to say and when and I was ready to listen. I tried this alone for a long time and got no results. Sugar is powerful and having someone on my side supporting me was how I have come to a different relationship with it.  

I had to first realize I was not going to succeed alone. Then I had to learn that she didn't care what I ate, she was not there to judge me. She was there to support me in the changes I desired to make. After those lessons I was ready to get started and it has been great! I don't feel sugar hangovers ever. There has been a ripple effect through my life and I am changing way more than I intended. I never regret not eating sugar the night before!   

I would say that if I could quit sugar anyone can, with a little help and willingness!


The main thing that attracted me to Lily was her confidence in my ability to change where I had none.  She had faith in me and I just used her faith to move forward and give it a shot.