I want to hear from you

Let’s cozy up and connect


Hey there!

Wondering what this virtual tea is all about?

Let me tell ya! Its about connection. Its about you getting the space to tell your stress/health story while I listen. Its about lightening your mental load.

It is also about the chance for you to ask me questions! If you want to know more about my work and services, this is when you can get custom answers.

I truly love to connect with my followers and give you a special opportunity to connect with me too!

We all need more connection, more space to let our stories out and to feel seen, heard and understood.

This is stress buffering too. And you know that is what I am all about.

So, please don’t hesitate to carve out 30 minutes to take care of you. I promise you will feel better after this virtual tea.

I am here,